Telegram Channel
Est Value
Ends In
Referral Amount
Token Type
Total Supply


Team Website Concept Whitepaper ARA free crypto coins ARA free crypto airdrop

The Ara platform uses a peer to peer file system to deliver content through a distributed network, the blockchain to store license transactions for each file, and a decentralized identity for each user and piece of content in the network to ensure all data is secure and not owned by any central authority.

Ara enables any device in the world to become part of a global supercomputer, database, and delivery network all at once by utilizing its unused processing, storage, and bandwidth capacity.


Airdrop Information

1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 6 (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 6)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

Ara is a new content protocol with decentralized rewards and distribution. Any piece of digital content in the world on a more secure, decentralized web.

  • DAYS

  • HRS

  • MINS

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    [airdrop_type] => Array
            [0] => Airdrop

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    [ratings_average] => Array
            [0] => 4

    [_ratings_average] => Array
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    [star_rating_new] => Array
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    [choose_channels] => Array
            [0] => a:1:{i:0;s:5:"Other";}

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    [instructions] => Array
            [0] => 1. Create an account/register at LATOKEN with Tier 2 verification.
2. Now, start chat with ARA Telegram bot.
3. Download the File Manager desktop client for (Mac/Windows)
4. Register and upload any content using this guide.
5. You will get 600 ARA ($9) tokens.
6. Participants will get their rewards within 30 days after the end of ICO.

    [_instructions] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850bf51a15d

    [join_airdrop_link] => Array
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    [tokens] => Array
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    [token_id] => Array
            [0] => ARA

    [_token_id] => Array
            [0] => field_5b97c704a68dc

    [token_type] => Array
            [0] => ERC20

    [_token_type] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cae1a165

    [token_supply] => Array
            [0] => 1000000000

    [_token_supply] => Array
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    [price_per_token] => Array
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    [referral_amount] => Array
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    [airdrop_information] => Array
            [0] => Ara is a new content protocol with decentralized rewards and distribution. Any piece of digital content in the world on a more secure, decentralized web.

    [_airdrop_information] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850c601a161

    [ticks_0_text] => Array
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            [0] => Concept

    [_ticks_2_text] => Array
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    [ticks_4_text] => Array
            [0] => ARA free crypto coins

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    [ticks_5_text] => Array
            [0] => ARA free crypto airdrop

    [_ticks_5_text] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cff1a16a

    [ticks] => Array
            [0] => 6

    [_ticks] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cf01a169

    [evaluation] => Array
            [0] => The Ara platform uses a peer to peer file system to deliver content through a distributed network, the blockchain to store license transactions for each file, and a decentralized identity for each user and piece of content in the network to ensure all data is secure and not owned by any central authority.

Ara enables any device in the world to become part of a global supercomputer, database, and delivery network all at once by utilizing its unused processing, storage, and bandwidth capacity.

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            [0] => field_5b8510bd1a16b

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    [_wds_opengraph] => Array
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    [_wds_title] => Array
            [0] => ARA Airdrop & Review | Free ARA Crypto Coin Airdrop

    [_wds_metadesc] => Array
            [0] => Ara is a new content protocol with decentralized rewards and distribution. Any piece of digital content in the world on a more secure, decentralized web. Airdrop Village - The Home of Free Crypto Airdrops.

    [_wds_keywords] => Array
            [0] => ARA

    [ratings_users] => Array
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? Referral: %CF-referral_amount% %CF-token_id%
⚡️ Project: %TITLE%
? Rate: %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
✏️ Review: Yes

? %URL% ?";s:7:"webPrev";s:1:"1";s:8:"attchImg";s:1:"0";s:9:"isAutoImg";s:1:"A";s:8:"imgToUse";s:0:"";s:9:"isAutoURL";s:1:"A";s:8:"urlToUse";s:0:"";s:4:"doTG";i:0;s:8:"isPosted";s:1:"1";s:4:"pgID";i:957;s:7:"postURL";s:33:"";s:5:"pDate";s:19:"2019-04-15 12:05:22";}}";
