Telegram Channel
Est Value
Ends In
Referral Amount
Token Type
Total Supply


Whitepaper Team Concept Website

Athero is aninfrastructure for decentralized apps powered by smart contracts. The aims to revolutionize the way how modern internet operates. It is a complex platform built on top of the Ehereum blockchain. Now we have seen a lot of these and they are really ambitious and you need a huge team and a lot of resource to be funding a project on this scale. Only time will tell if they become successful.


Airdrop Information

2 votes, average: 2.50 out of 62 votes, average: 2.50 out of 62 votes, average: 2.50 out of 62 votes, average: 2.50 out of 62 votes, average: 2.50 out of 62 votes, average: 2.50 out of 6 (2 votes, average: 2.50 out of 6)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

A platform designed to improve commerce by combining by using IOT and the blockchain.

  • DAYS

  • HRS

  • MINS

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[0] => 1. Open the Athero Airdrop form
2. Join Athero Telegram group
3. Follow Athero on Twitter
4. Like Athero Facebook page
5. Submit your details in the form
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[0] => Wanting more free airdrops like Athero? We bring you the latest, quality and valuable cryptocurrency airdrops 100% free, no investment required ✅
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⚡️ Project: %TITLE%
? Rate: %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
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