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Referral Amount
Token Type
Total Supply


Website Team Concept Whitepaper MMC free crypto coins MMC free crypto airdrop

MyCreditChain platform consists of blockchains consisting of Ethereum-based Smart Contracts. Data is encrypted and stored in IPFS. MCC Token is an encrypted currency that mediates exchange of information in the MCC ecosystem. Individuals participating in the MCC platform will receive three seeds every day, and these seeds have no value, but when it is given to someone else, it is turned into token value in proportions. It can be spent on collecting personal information and can be received as the reward for providing the information. MCC plans to bring the ownership of credit data back to individuals so that they can have a full control over their own information, thus building a more equal society. It brings about a major innovation in credit information that a person’s credit data will become an asset for himself/herself


Airdrop Information

1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 6 (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 6)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

MyCreditChain is a blockchain based personal data platform that provides the latest data collection technology with an incentive system.

  • DAYS

  • HRS

  • MINS

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    [instructions] => Array
            [0] => 1. Visit the Coinone Indonesia Registration Page.
2. Create an account on their website and Verify your mail.
3. Login and Verify your Mobile Number.
4. Click on "Event" from Top Menu and create MCC Wallet from Step 1.
5. Now visit back the same "Event" Page and click "Claim Reward".
6. You will receive 50 MCC Tokens.
7. Tokens will be distributed to your wallet in 2 weeks.

    [_instructions] => Array
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    [token_type] => Array
            [0] => ERC20

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    [token_supply] => Array
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    [airdrop_information] => Array
            [0] => MyCreditChain is a blockchain based personal data platform that provides the latest data collection technology with an incentive system.

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            [0] => MMC free crypto coins

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            [0] => MMC free crypto airdrop

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    [evaluation] => Array
            [0] => MyCreditChain platform consists of blockchains consisting of Ethereum-based Smart Contracts. Data is encrypted and stored in IPFS. MCC Token is an encrypted currency that mediates exchange of information in the MCC ecosystem. Individuals participating in the MCC platform will receive three seeds every day, and these seeds have no value, but when it is given to someone else, it is turned into token value in proportions. It can be spent on collecting personal information and can be received as the reward for providing the information. MCC plans to bring the ownership of credit data back to individuals so that they can have a full control over their own information, thus building a more equal society. It brings about a major innovation in credit information that a person’s credit data will become an asset for himself/herself

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    [_wds_title] => Array
            [0] => MyCreditChain Airdrop & Review | Free MCC Crypto Coins Airdrop

    [_wds_metadesc] => Array
            [0] => MyCreditChain is a blockchain based personal data platform that provides the latest data collection technology with an incentive system. Airdrop Village - The Home of Free Crypto Airdrops.

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            [0] => MyCreditChain

    [ratings_users] => Array
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    [_wp_old_date] => Array
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⚡️ Project: %TITLE%
? Rate: %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
✏️ Review: Yes

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