Telegram Channel
Est Value
Ends In
Referral Amount
Token Type
Own chain
Total Supply


Website Concept Team Whitepaper NBX free crypto coins NBX free crypto airdrop

A browser is a product that is an entry point to the Internet and its users are a huge community that is committed to network transparency and self-regulation. That is why they decided to create a blockchain-based Netbox.Browser, which users are distributed around the world and are able to join their forces to create a new transparent Internet access tool. The Netbox.Global infrastructure and its key product – Netbox.Browser – are the tools in the hands of a wide community of users, each and every one of which has and exercises their right to have a free global network owned by them.


Airdrop Information

1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 6 (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 6)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

Netbox is the first decentralized web browser with integrated blockchain node.  It includes Netbox.Wallet, which is credited with rewards for the active usage of the browser

  • DAYS

  • HRS

  • MINS

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            [0] => Airdrop

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    [instructions] => Array
            [0] => 1. Go to the Netbox Website.
2. Download and install the Netbox browser.
3. Open the browser and register with your details.
4. Create your Netbox Wallet.
5. You will receive 20 NBX coins.
6. You can earn an additional 1 NBX for every referral.
7. You can also earn more NBX for using the browser.

    [_instructions] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850bf51a15d

    [join_airdrop_link] => Array
            [0] =>

    [_join_airdrop_link] => Array
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    [_visit_website_link] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850c3b1a15f

    [value_currency] => Array
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    [value] => Array
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    [_value] => Array
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    [tokens] => Array
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    [_tokens] => Array
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    [token_id] => Array
            [0] => NBX

    [_token_id] => Array
            [0] => field_5b97c704a68dc

    [token_type] => Array
            [0] => Own chain

    [_token_type] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cae1a165

    [token_supply] => Array
            [0] => 100000000

    [_token_supply] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cb61a166

    [price_per_token] => Array
            [0] => 0.4

    [_price_per_token] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cc71a167

    [referral_amount] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [_referral_amount] => Array
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    [airdrop_information] => Array
            [0] => Netbox is the first decentralized web browser with integrated blockchain node.  It includes Netbox.Wallet, which is credited with rewards for the active usage of the browser

    [_airdrop_information] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850c601a161

    [ticks_0_text] => Array
            [0] => Website

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    [ticks_1_text] => Array
            [0] => Concept

    [_ticks_1_text] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cff1a16a

    [ticks_2_text] => Array
            [0] => Team

    [_ticks_2_text] => Array
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            [0] => Whitepaper

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            [0] => NBX free crypto coins

    [_ticks_4_text] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cff1a16a

    [ticks_5_text] => Array
            [0] => NBX free crypto airdrop

    [_ticks_5_text] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cff1a16a

    [ticks] => Array
            [0] => 6

    [_ticks] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cf01a169

    [evaluation] => Array
            [0] => A browser is a product that is an entry point to the Internet and its users are a huge community that is committed to network transparency and self-regulation. That is why they decided to create a blockchain-based Netbox.Browser, which users are distributed around the world and are able to join their forces to create a new transparent Internet access tool. The Netbox.Global infrastructure and its key product - Netbox.Browser - are the tools in the hands of a wide community of users, each and every one of which has and exercises their right to have a free global network owned by them.

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    [_wds_title] => Array
            [0] => Netbox Airdrop & Review | Free NBX Crypto Coins Airdrop

    [_wds_metadesc] => Array
            [0] => Netbox is the first decentralized web browser with integrated blockchain node.  It includes Netbox.Wallet, which is credited with rewards for the active usage of the browser. Airdrop Village - The Home of Free Crypto Airdrops.

    [_wds_keywords] => Array
            [0] => Netbox

    [ratings_users] => Array
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    [ratings_score] => Array
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    [_wp_old_date] => Array
            [0] => 2019-07-18

    [_] => Array
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? Referral: %CF-referral_amount% %CF-token_id%
⚡️ Project: %TITLE%
? Rate: %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
✏️ Review: Yes

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