Telegram Channel
Est Value
Ends In
Referral Amount
Token Type
Total Supply


Whitepaper Concept Team Website OKEX Voting

SilentNotary is hosting an Airdrop in which individuals can earn up to 30,000 SNTR tokens. The airdrop consists of instructions to vote for the project to be listed on OKex. Along with, there is another competition ongoing in which 10 lucky votes can gain additional tokens. SilentNotary is already currently trading on various platforms such as IDEX, HotBit & YoBit. The team is very experienced in their respective fields. This project is only going to keep improving over time, and we have every faith they continue to do well. We highly recommend everyone not to miss out on this opportunity, this is only limited for a short period of time.

Airdrop Information

Silent Notary (SNTR)
1 vote, average: 6.00 out of 61 vote, average: 6.00 out of 61 vote, average: 6.00 out of 61 vote, average: 6.00 out of 61 vote, average: 6.00 out of 61 vote, average: 6.00 out of 6 (1 votes, average: 6.00 out of 6)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

SilentNotary is a multiplatform decentralized service for confirmation of event existence. SilentNotary converts an event into legally significant evidence, excluding the possibility of falsification.

  • DAYS

  • HRS

  • MINS

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[0] => field_5b7e70eda05b0
[ratings_average] => Array
[0] => 6
[_ratings_average] => Array
[0] => field_5b88fd1823615
[choose_channels] => Array
[0] => a:3:{i:0;s:8:"Telegram";i:1;s:7:"Twitter";i:2;s:5:"Other";}
[_choose_channels] => Array
[0] => field_5b880cd79c0f2
[instructions] => Array
[0] => 1.Join SilentNotary on Telegram
2.Follow OKex on Twitter
3.Comment, "Silent Notary" and your Telegram username in this OKex Tweet
4.Fill in the SilentNotary Airdrop Form with your submission
5.Start the SilentNotary Airdrop Bot on Telegram. In this Bot you can create a referral link to earn an additional 10,000 SNTR tokens for every successful referral
6.In addition to the above SilentNotary are going to distribute 100,000,000 SNTR tokens to 10 lucky voters.
[_instructions] => Array
[0] => field_5b850bf51a15d
[join_airdrop_link] => Array
[0] =>
[_join_airdrop_link] => Array
[0] => field_5b850c301a15e
[visit_website_link] => Array
[0] =>
[_visit_website_link] => Array
[0] => field_5b850c3b1a15f
[airdrop_information] => Array
[0] => SilentNotary is a multiplatform decentralized service for confirmation of event existence. SilentNotary converts an event into legally significant evidence, excluding the possibility of falsification.
[_airdrop_information] => Array
[0] => field_5b850c601a161
[value_currency] => Array
[0] => $
[_value_currency] => Array
[0] => field_5b7e711ba05b2
[value] => Array
[0] => 1
[_value] => Array
[0] => field_5b7e7109a05b1
[tokens] => Array
[0] => 30000
[_tokens] => Array
[0] => field_5b850c901a163
[token_type] => Array
[0] => ERC20
[_token_type] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cae1a165
[token_supply] => Array
[0] => 186000000000
[_token_supply] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cb61a166
[price_per_token] => Array
[0] => 
[_price_per_token] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cc71a167
[referral_amount] => Array
[0] => 0.30
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[0] => field_5b87e128fb0bd
[ticks_0_text] => Array
[0] => Whitepaper
[_ticks_0_text] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cff1a16a
[ticks_1_text] => Array
[0] => Concept
[_ticks_1_text] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cff1a16a
[ticks_2_text] => Array
[0] => Team
[_ticks_2_text] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cff1a16a
[ticks_3_text] => Array
[0] => Website
[_ticks_3_text] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cff1a16a
[ticks_4_text] => Array
[0] => OKEX Voting
[_ticks_4_text] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cff1a16a
[ticks] => Array
[0] => 5
[_ticks] => Array
[0] => field_5b850cf01a169
[evaluation] => Array
[0] => SilentNotary is hosting an Airdrop in which individuals can earn up to 30,000 SNTR tokens. The airdrop consists of instructions to vote for the project to be listed on OKex. Along with, there is another competition ongoing in which 10 lucky votes can gain additional tokens. SilentNotary is already currently trading on various platforms such as IDEX, HotBit & YoBit. The team is very experienced in their respective fields. This project is only going to keep improving over time, and we have every faith they continue to do well. We highly recommend everyone not to miss out on this opportunity, this is only limited for a short period of time.
[_evaluation] => Array
[0] => field_5b8510bd1a16b
[post_views_count] => Array
[0] => 1281
[ratings_users] => Array
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[ratings_score] => Array
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[icon] => Array
[0] => SilentNotary is hosting an Airdrop in which individuals can earn up to 30,000 SNTR tokens. The airdrop consists of instructions to vote for the project to be listed on OKex. Along with, there is another competition ongoing in which 10 lucky votes can gain additional tokens. SilentNotary is already currently trading on various platforms such as IDEX, HotBit & YoBit. The team is very experienced in their respective fields. This project is only going to keep improving over time, and we have every faith they continue to do well. We highly recommend everyone not to miss out on this opportunity, this is only limited for a short period of time.
[_icon] => Array
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[star_rating_new] => Array
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[snapTG] => Array
[0] => s:913:"a:1:{i:0;a:13:{s:9:"msgFormat";s:568:"? Airdrop: %CF-tokens% SNTR %CF-value_currency%%CF-value%
? Referral: 10000 SNTR
⚡️ Project: %TITLE%
? Rate: %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
? Click here for Airdrop ?
? Instructions
✏️ Review
Click here for more information
? Team ?";s:2:"do";s:1:"2";s:7:"webPrev";s:1:"0";s:8:"attchImg";s:1:"0";s:9:"isAutoImg";s:1:"A";s:8:"imgToUse";s:0:"";s:9:"isAutoURL";s:1:"A";s:8:"urlToUse";s:0:"";s:4:"doTG";i:0;s:8:"isPosted";s:1:"1";s:4:"pgID";i:109;s:7:"postURL";s:33:"";s:5:"pDate";s:19:"2018-09-08 08:47:47";}}";
[snapTW] => Array
[0] => s:436:"a:1:{i:0;a:8:{s:2:"do";s:1:"0";s:9:"msgFormat";s:248:"? NEW #AIRDROP - %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
#%CF-token_id% SMARTDROP (%CF-referral_amount% $%CF-token_id%) (estimated value: ? %CF-value_currency%%CF-value%)
Click here: ? %URL%  ?
#crypto #cryptocurrency #airdrops $BTC #BTC";s:8:"attchImg";s:1:"0";s:9:"isAutoImg";s:1:"A";s:8:"imgToUse";s:0:"";s:9:"isAutoURL";s:1:"A";s:8:"urlToUse";s:0:"";s:4:"doTW";i:0;}}";
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