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Website Concept Team Whitepaper TAPIO free crypto coins TAPIO free crypto airdrop

tapETH – the first utility driven LP token for LST liquidity.

Liquidity is crucial within DeFi, and is by far the most significant downstream usecase for LSTs (usually partnered with native ETH), however once you do so and receive the resulting LP token – there isn’t much you can do with it and the “liquid” staking journey ends abruptly. Furthermore, we’re seeing heavy fragmentation of LST liquidity across the ecosystem, with individual protocols having unique reward handling mechanisms, token models and architectures – leading to an ever growing long-tail.

Enter tapETH – the first utility driven LP token for the LST ecosystem, serving as a liquidity aggregator, and a hub for arbitrages. Fundamentally, it’s an LP token representing various stable pools (which exist within Tapio Finance) between LSTs and ETH such as:

  • stETH-ETH
  • rETH-ETH
  • cbETH-ETH

Airdrop Information

Tapio Finance
2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 62 votes, average: 5.00 out of 62 votes, average: 5.00 out of 62 votes, average: 5.00 out of 62 votes, average: 5.00 out of 62 votes, average: 5.00 out of 6 (2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 6)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

Tapio Finance is a synthetic asset protocol that aims to serve as the “middle layer” for liquidity between liquid staking protocols and downstream applications within DeFi.

  • DAYS

  • HRS

  • MINS

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[instructions] => Array
[0] => 1. Visit the Tapio Finance testnet page.
2. Connect your wallet.
3. Change the network to Goerli testnet. (get some testnet ETH here)
4. Now swap some ETH for stETH or rETH.
5. Mint “tapETH” using ETH and stETH/rETH.
6. Redeem some tapETH to the Mint page.
7. Now complete the Zealy quests to mint the Tapio OG NFT.
8. Also join Tapio Finance on Discord and get the OG Discord Role.
9. After completing all the tasks, you will get free TAPIO tokens once the token and governance goes live on the Mainnet.
10. For more details about the airdrop, visit this article.
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[airdrop_information] => Array
[0] => Tapio Finance is a synthetic asset protocol that aims to serve as the "middle layer" for liquidity between liquid staking protocols and downstream applications within DeFi.
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[0] => TAPIO free crypto coins
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[0] => TAPIO free crypto airdrop
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[evaluation] => Array
[0] => tapETH - the first utility driven LP token for LST liquidity.
Liquidity is crucial within DeFi, and is by far the most significant downstream usecase for LSTs (usually partnered with native ETH), however once you do so and receive the resulting LP token - there isn't much you can do with it and the "liquid" staking journey ends abruptly. Furthermore, we're seeing heavy fragmentation of LST liquidity across the ecosystem, with individual protocols having unique reward handling mechanisms, token models and architectures - leading to an ever growing long-tail.
Enter tapETH - the first utility driven LP token for the LST ecosystem, serving as a liquidity aggregator, and a hub for arbitrages. Fundamentally, it's an LP token representing various stable pools (which exist within Tapio Finance) between LSTs and ETH such as:

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[0] => Tapio Finance Airdrop & Review | Free TAPIO Crypto Coins Airdrop
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[0] => Tapio Finance is a synthetic asset protocol that aims to serve as the "middle layer" for liquidity between liquid staking protocols and downstream applications within DeFi. - The Home of Free crypto coins
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🤳 Referral: %CF-referral_amount% %CF-token_id% 
⚡️ Project: %TITLE%
🌟 Rate: %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
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