Telegram Channel
Est Value
Ends In
Referral Amount
Token Type
Total Supply


Website Concept Team WT free crypto coins WT free crypto airdrop

WBF Token (WT) is the platform currency of WBFex Exchange, and it is positioned to become “the steam engine of the digital age,” says WBF Group.

WT is a decentralized digital asset based on the Ethereum blockchain, and the total issuance of WT will be 300 million (300,000,000) tokens. The total circulation supply has been set to 100 million (100,000,000) tokens, and it has eight basic functions such as regular WT destruction.

WT has a very strong platform foundation. The WBFex senior management team is consists of financial and technology elites from New York, Singapore, and China, where the brightest minds with the deepest expertise are gathered together at the WBFex exchange.


Airdrop Information

1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 61 vote, average: 4.00 out of 6 (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 6)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

WBFEX’s goal is to build a third-generation digital asset exchange platform, committed to the formation of a “global federation of blockchain asset exchanges.”

  • DAYS

  • HRS

  • MINS

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    [airdrop_type] => Array
            [0] => Airdrop

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    [instructions] => Array
            [0] => 1. Visit to the WBFEX Airdrop form.
2. Create an account on WBFEX and verify your Email or Phone number.
3. Login and Complete your KYC.
4. Submit your details in the Airdrop form.
5. You will receive 20 PCCE and 2 WT.
6. You can earn an additional 2 WT for every referral.

    [_instructions] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850bf51a15d

    [join_airdrop_link] => Array
            [0] =>

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    [value_currency] => Array
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    [_value] => Array
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    [tokens] => Array
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    [token_id] => Array
            [0] => WT

    [_token_id] => Array
            [0] => field_5b97c704a68dc

    [token_type] => Array
            [0] => ERC20

    [_token_type] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cae1a165

    [token_supply] => Array
            [0] => 300000000

    [_token_supply] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cb61a166

    [price_per_token] => Array
            [0] => 0.17

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    [airdrop_information] => Array
            [0] => WBFEX's goal is to build a third-generation digital asset exchange platform, committed to the formation of a “global federation of blockchain asset exchanges.”

    [_airdrop_information] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850c601a161

    [ticks_0_text] => Array
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    [ticks_1_text] => Array
            [0] => Concept

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            [0] => Team

    [_ticks_2_text] => Array
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            [0] => WT free crypto coins

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    [ticks_4_text] => Array
            [0] => WT free crypto airdrop

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    [ticks] => Array
            [0] => 5

    [_ticks] => Array
            [0] => field_5b850cf01a169

    [evaluation] => Array
            [0] => WBF Token (WT) is the platform currency of WBFex Exchange, and it is positioned to become “the steam engine of the digital age,” says WBF Group.

WT is a decentralized digital asset based on the Ethereum blockchain, and the total issuance of WT will be 300 million (300,000,000) tokens. The total circulation supply has been set to 100 million (100,000,000) tokens, and it has eight basic functions such as regular WT destruction.

WT has a very strong platform foundation. The WBFex senior management team is consists of financial and technology elites from New York, Singapore, and China, where the brightest minds with the deepest expertise are gathered together at the WBFex exchange.

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    [_wds_title] => Array
            [0] => WBFEX Airdrop & Review | Free WT Crypto Coins Airdrop

    [_wds_metadesc] => Array
            [0] => WBFEX's goal is to build a third-generation digital asset exchange platform, committed to the formation of a “global federation of blockchain asset exchanges.” - The Home of Free crypto coins

    [_wds_keywords] => Array
            [0] => WBFEX

    [ratings_users] => Array
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    [ratings_score] => Array
            [0] => 4

    [snapLI] => Array
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    [_wp_old_date] => Array
            [0] => 2019-09-10

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    [snapTG] => Array
            [0] => s:674:"a:1:{i:0;a:13:{s:2:"do";s:1:"1";s:9:"msgFormat";s:328:"? Airdrop: %CF-tokens% %CF-token_id% %CF-value_currency%%CF-value%
? Referral: %CF-referral_amount% %CF-token_id%
⚡️ Project: %TITLE%
? Rate: %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
✏️ Review: Yes

? %URL% ?";s:7:"webPrev";s:1:"1";s:8:"attchImg";s:1:"0";s:9:"isAutoImg";s:1:"A";s:8:"imgToUse";s:0:"";s:9:"isAutoURL";s:1:"A";s:8:"urlToUse";s:0:"";s:4:"doTG";i:0;s:8:"isPosted";s:1:"1";s:4:"pgID";i:1326;s:7:"postURL";s:33:"";s:5:"pDate";s:19:"2019-09-11 12:32:04";}}";
