Telegram Channel
Est Value
Ends In
Referral Amount
Token Type
Total Supply


Website Concept Team Whitepaper ZIL free crypto coins ZIL free crypto airdrop

Zilliqa is a new blockchain platform that is designed to scale in an open, permission-less distributed network securely. The core feature that makes Zilliqa scalable is sharding — dividing the network into several smaller component networks (called shards) capable of processing transactions in parallel.

ZILLIQA is a blockchain platform developed to scale to thousands of transactions per second. The idea of sharding is at the forefront of ZILLIQA solution. It is designed to divide the mining network into smaller shards that are able to process transactions simultaneously. ZILLIQA juxtaposes computational sharding with the existing smart contract architectures (such as Ethereum) and expects to process about a thousand times the transaction rates of Ethereum (30 000 miners in 2017).


Airdrop Information

3 votes, average: 4.67 out of 63 votes, average: 4.67 out of 63 votes, average: 4.67 out of 63 votes, average: 4.67 out of 63 votes, average: 4.67 out of 63 votes, average: 4.67 out of 6 (3 votes, average: 4.67 out of 6)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

Zilliqa is a high-performance, high-security blockchain platform for enterprises and next-generation applications.

  • DAYS

  • HRS

  • MINS

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[instructions] => Array
[0] => 1. Visit the Zilliqa Airdrop Page.
2. Keep continuing and then Connect your Twitter Account.
3. Submit your Zilliqa Address.
4. Start the Zeeves Telegram bot and get your ZIL address. For more details, visit here.
5. Once linked, you can use the suggested tweets OR create your own tweet. (All tweets must include the hashtag #ZILCovidHeroes)
6. You will receive 25 ZIL tokens in your wallet if your tweet receives 5 or more likes. You can claim only one reward every 24 hours. (Total 50 ZIL tokens)
7. For more information about the airdrop, visit this Official Post.
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[0] => Zilliqa is a high-performance, high-security blockchain platform for enterprises and next-generation applications.
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[0] => ZIL free crypto coins
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[0] => ZIL free crypto airdrop
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[0] => Zilliqa is a new blockchain platform that is designed to scale in an open, permission-less distributed network securely. The core feature that makes Zilliqa scalable is sharding — dividing the network into several smaller component networks (called shards) capable of processing transactions in parallel.
ZILLIQA is a blockchain platform developed to scale to thousands of transactions per second. The idea of sharding is at the forefront of ZILLIQA solution. It is designed to divide the mining network into smaller shards that are able to process transactions simultaneously. ZILLIQA juxtaposes computational sharding with the existing smart contract architectures (such as Ethereum) and expects to process about a thousand times the transaction rates of Ethereum (30 000 miners in 2017).
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[0] => Zilliqa is a high-performance, high-security blockchain platform for enterprises and next-generation applications. - The Home of Free crypto coins.
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? Referral: %CF-referral_amount% %CF-token_id%
⚡️ Project: %TITLE%
? Rate: %CF-ratings_average%/6 ⭐️
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